Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Reports & Reviews

The Swiss library context between innovation and tradition: the Swiss National Library and the Münstergasse Library of Bern

Maria Lucia Lucia
CGIAM-Centro di geomorfologia integrata per l'area del Mediterraneo; Master in Archivistica, Biblioteconomia e Codicologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Jeica Maconi
Master in Archivistica, Biblioteconomia e Codicologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Valentina Lepore
Master of Archival Science, Library and Codicology, University of Florence
Maddalena Pizzighella
Biblioteca civica of Verona; Master of Archival Science, Library and Codicology, University of Florence
Martina Coppini
BiblioteCaNova Isolotto; Master in Archivistica, Biblioteconomia e Codicologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Desiree Koehring
Master of Archival Science, Library and Codicology, University of Florence

Published 2019-01-15


  • RDA,
  • GND,
  • Swissbib,
  • BSS

How to Cite

Lucia, Maria Lucia, Jeica Maconi, Valentina Lepore, Maddalena Pizzighella, Martina Coppini, and Desiree Koehring. 2019. “The Swiss Library Context Between Innovation and Tradition: The Swiss National Library and the Münstergasse Library of Bern”. JLIS.It 10 (1):157-68. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-12522.


In June 2018, students of the “Master di 2° livello” (Second Level Master Courses, accessible only to students that have a Second Cycle Degree or equivalent) in Archives, Library Science and Codicology of University of Florence made a study-trip to Switzerland and came into contact with the Swiss library world.
This article describes the Swiss National Library, its organization, history, services and projects in which it is involved into Swiss Confederation (i.e. E-helveticat, The Swiss Literary Archives, Bibliography on Swiss History) and internationally (such as the GND). Finally, the article describes the Münstergasse Library of Bern, that is a University and cantonal library, known internationally for its projects with incunabula.


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