Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): The Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem

Two-dimensional books for the new Open Access academic publishing

Fulvio Guatelli
Firenze University Press

Published 2022-01-13


  • Two-dimensional book,
  • Open access book,
  • Metadata

How to Cite

Guatelli, Fulvio. 2022. “Two-Dimensional Books for the New Open Access Academic Publishing”. JLIS.It 13 (1):123-31. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-12752.


Metadata have become a key element of scientific communication. Indeed, the content of a publication – that is, what we love, discuss and judge – is no longer the alpha and omega of a scientific publication nor its exclusive centre of gravity. Books are gradually taking the form of an iceberg, whose visible part is represented by the content, while the submerged part is constituted by metadata. In the current communication approach of scientific research, metadata and dissemination go hand in hand, as metadata provide a huge contribution to the success of the research itself. In this paper, I will illustrate how – in the field of today’s scholarly publishing – best practices, simple metadata, and cataloguing indicators such as DOI and ORCID are taking on the task that was once accomplished by chariots pulled by sturdy horses coming out of Aldo Manuzio’s workshop: spreading books and the discoveries of scientific research all over the world.


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